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Hi! I'm Kim- a wife, momma, daughter, sister, friend. I love UK, going out for a good glass of wine, cooking, spending too much time on pinterest, and making new memories. I love my life and you're welcome to read about it!
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Friday, September 16, 2011

Copy Cat

That's what I am. I admit it. I take other people's design and I copy them.. And guess what? I do it cheaper. A whole $60 dollars cheaper might I add. So take that big retail stores. You ain't got nothin' on me (forgive all the grammatical craziness in that last sentence. It is hard to sound tough while talking correctly. Go figure.)

Let me show you what I am talking about.Shall I...
I love browsing design blogs and stores online to look at all the goodies I would just love to get my hands on. Most of the time I'm just drooling and wishing and hoping that maybe one day I could get it. It really is hard to fill a new home all-at-once. Sometimes we forget that it takes time to get to your home finished because I DO NOT want to be house poor and that does include the house and everything in it.
So I am used to sitting behind my screen and looking at pretty things to fill my home that I will never really buy. I'm okay with that for the most part.

Then it happened. PINTEREST happened people! No, I'm not late to the game... I am very much all-up-in-that game's business. But I found something one day that reallllyyyy caught my eye. This....

Say whaaaaa? Did my eyes just see that? Why, yes I think they most certainly did! And I got giddy...because this little DIY project looked a lot like a pendant I had been eyeing on West Elm's very site.

One in the same, I do believe they are! So I hunted down the original directions for making the hemp pendant light and found it at Crafy Nest. Off I went!

So, I gathered all my supplies and I made almost an exact replica for...... wait for it..... $26. And it looks good too. Not that I am trying to brag or anything. :)

So yeah, I'm a copy cat.... and add bragger to the list too. I'm okay with both descriptions. Actually, I'm rather proud of both descriptions.

Stay tuned for the big reveal! (Ok, I'm a tease too) hehe



I LOVE Pinterest too! I can't wait to see how this turns out, what a great idea!

Mommy Webb

Can't wait to see your final product!!!

Jill @ Bluegrass Belle

Show us! I can't wait to see. I love Pinterest and am always thinking "ooh I could do that" (but do I? yeah right)