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Hi! I'm Kim- a wife, momma, daughter, sister, friend. I love UK, going out for a good glass of wine, cooking, spending too much time on pinterest, and making new memories. I love my life and you're welcome to read about it!
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Monday, February 25, 2013

Come on spring!

I am so ready for spring to get here! I can just feel it in my bones that it is just around the corner. I want sunshine, warm weather, trees budding, flowers springing. I want to go on walks, do yard work, bust back out the grill and the fresh veggies. I want to go into downtown Louisville and sit at waterfront park, have a drink on a sidewalk table while enjoying some good food. I am ready for Louisville Bats games and enjoying a hot dog at the ball park, for Derby season and the festivals.

Of course all of these things will be that much more fun this year with Sam in tow. Actually, even though we don't quite have warm weather just yet, we did enjoy going downtown this weekend to enjoy some family time outdoors. I have to say that being a stay at home mom is so wonderful and rewarding. I get to stay home with Sam and watch him grow and change and learn new things. I am beyond blessed that my husband works so hard to make that happen. But I am ready to not be in the house from Monday-Friday.

So this weekend when the sun was out I told Nick, "Lets go DO something!" And we did. And it was wonderful!

I needed to go to Whole Foods to stock up on some organic food for Sam's baby food for the month so we figured we would do some other stuff while we were in town too.

Recently, Louisville just completed a walking bridge across the Ohio River that connects the Kentucky side to the Indiana side. It is right over waterfront park downtown and I was itching to go walk across it. I kept seeing people post pictures on instagram and I wanted to go check it out.

Once we got down there we realized something else must have been going on because the traffic on River Road was crazy crowded. When we got out of the car we noticed people in wet suits and towels and immediately remembered that they were doing the Polar Bear Plunge in the river that day. You couldn't pay me enough to jump in that freezing river on a cold day. Nah uh. Not gonna happen.
But we did get some pictures from atop of the bridge of the crazies that were participating...

You can't see very well but people were jumping off of those piers on the other side of the Tumbleweed.

 Downtown Louisville skyline. I love this city. 

Nick pushing Sam in his stroller. Funny story but it was a bit chilly and we did have Sam bundled up in a jacket and a very fuzzy blanket. But there was a older couple walking the opposite way from us and the man looks at Sam and says, "That baby is going to freeze." It was a total cop-out because he really wanted to say it to me but directing it toward my baby made it better?? Sam was not the only kid up there in a stroller btw. There were lots of families out enjoying the day. He made me mad but still made my mom guilt flair up to where I doubted if in fact he should be up there. ugh.

Sam and I with Louisville in the background.

All in all I say it was a pretty great way to spend a Saturday. I just can't wait for more Saturdays just like it!

22 days until Spring!! 



Looks like a fun little adventure. I love doing things like that, it really shakes up the boring routine of normal life. Who knew Louisville was so pretty?! Not this northeasterner haha