I am sitting here at work (sorry boss) with an hour and six minutes left until my
four day weekend. Yeah, you read that right. There is no need to be jealous. But, it will be wonderful to spend some much needed time away from work and with my husband. We usually always try to take our time off together to catch up on things around the house or if we have somewhere in particular we want to go.
This is what our plans were for this weekend...
I was really looking forward to spending the day at the waterfront eating all the carnival food, listening to a band, and sipping some fresh squeezed lemonade. However, I am pretty sure that with all the rain Kentucky has experienced the past 123,234,534 days (I may or may not be exaggerating) the place where the Chow Wagon usually sits is probably under about 345,345 feet of water. At least it is supposed to be sunny for the rest of the week.
All I really care about anyway is seeing my hubs run in the Derby mini marathon on Saturday. He is awesome and he better love me for waking up on Saturday at about 5 am to beat the traffic and get a great spot at the starting/finish line! Wish him luck!
Go, Nick, Go!!! I am sure it will be an awesome weekend:).
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