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Hi! I'm Kim- a wife, momma, daughter, sister, friend. I love UK, going out for a good glass of wine, cooking, spending too much time on pinterest, and making new memories. I love my life and you're welcome to read about it!
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Friday, April 15, 2011

I need professional help...

Design help that is. You see I've got this adorable 1940's house with all the charm in the world and I just can't make up my mind how to decorate it. The problem is I like too many different styles. How in the world do you just pick one and go with it? On top of that, I am a horrible decision maker and I can never make up my mind... my husband knows this and bless his sweet heart is always patient with me.

Case. In. Point.

We bought these new pieces of furniture from Haverty's and we just got them delivered on Wednesday. And it really pains me to say it but.... I hate them. Blah.

*Please pay no attention to the curtains in the background. They aren't staying and they were there from the previous owners.*

Ok, so I don't hate the couch and I don't hate the chair; it's just that together its a no-go for me. The chair is giving off a yellowish tint next to the couch and I just can't deal with it. You see it? Anyway, we exchanged them yesterday and got the same fabric on the couch on the chair too. I think that will let me open up some possibilities with rugs and accent pillows. The curtains will be switched to white with some darker bamboo shades underneath. Here is my inspiration photo that I LOVE!

images courtesy of plum cushion

You think I could get plum cushion to come decorate my house... or just let me have hers? Wishful thinking... 


Mommy Webb

Awwww, I loved the chair. But I am sure it will look awesome the same fabric as the couch. And you are right, it will open more flexibility for patterns on rugs and/or throw pillows. Keep the house posts coming - I love what you have done so far and I can't wait to see the finished product.:)