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Hi! I'm Kim- a wife, momma, daughter, sister, friend. I love UK, going out for a good glass of wine, cooking, spending too much time on pinterest, and making new memories. I love my life and you're welcome to read about it!
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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Saw It. Pinned It. Did It

I'm linking up with Katie and Steph for their weekly Saw It. Pinned It. Did It.

Things have been getting pretty festive around these parts. My husband probably officially thinks I have lost my mind with all things Christmas lately.

I can't help it. I get so excited to decorate and shop. To tell the truth, I've had my trees (notice the plural) up and decorated for 2 weeks now. I wanted Sam to experience the glowing of the tree lights so I put it up a bit early... and guess what? He doesn't even care. Go Figure.

But, that didn't stop me from buying yet another tree when I found this beaut at Target on Black Friday for just $30. I couldn't pass up that kind of deal. It was meant to be.

I moved all of our keepsake ornaments to this tree since there was more room then the small tree they were on. Which left me a whole tree to decorate!! (insert squeals) 

I found this pin on pinterest for cinnamon ornaments and thought it would be perfect to put on a kitchen tree. 

These were so simple to make. All I needed was a few ingredients and followed the recipe exactly and they turned out perfectly. My only suggestion is to bake them on wax paper or a silicone baking mat. Mine stuck to my  baking stone and I had to scrape them off with a spatula. 

They smell AMAZING and they look so cute on my tree that I strung with cranberry garland and Christmas cookie cutters. I now have a kitchen themed Christmas tree. And that. Well, that makes my heart real happy.

Merry Christmas!



AH! These are SO cute!! And TWO trees??!! GO YOU! We aren't even having ONE this year lol. (Ok so we're moving like the week before Christmas...I'm really not a scrooge!) Applesauce and cinnamon..whooda thunk?! ;)

Thank you for linking up with us!! xoxo


Love it girl. I'm obsessed with cinnamon flavored ANYTHING! Seriously. Thank you so much for linking up again! :)

Audrie Is...

Omgoodness I love this!! It brings back memories--when we were in 2nd grade our teacher had us make these for our parents (my and my siblings all did them diff years) anyway, my mom STILL has them and hangs them up every year and I swear to you...they STILL smell good!!