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Hi! I'm Kim- a wife, momma, daughter, sister, friend. I love UK, going out for a good glass of wine, cooking, spending too much time on pinterest, and making new memories. I love my life and you're welcome to read about it!
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Monday, February 20, 2012

Brain Dump Monday

~Only 127 days until our due date! I can't wait to meet our sweet baby boy :) We scheduled our 3/d 4/d ultrasound for March and I am so excited. They say that between 24 and 29 weeks are best time to see what your baby looks like and I'll be right around 27 weeks when we go!! I hope this little booger cooperates.

~Speaking of baby (which is really all I speak of these days, sorry) I have some serious pregnant brain going on right now. You know, in like I can't remember a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g for more than 10 minutes. I'm like 10 minute Kim (if you've seen 50 first dates you get my drift). I ask the same question over and over because I don't remember the answer, I pout at my husband for waking up and not giving me a good morning kiss when he JUST did about 5 minutes before, and I forget to call/text people back. I feel like even though I've dyed my hair dark, my blonde is still coming through.

~OK, I'm gonna say it, but if I hear one more thing about Whitney Houston I am going to scream. People act like they are grieving the Whitney from the 90's... reality check people, that Whitney was gone long before this accident. That may sound cruel and heartless but I am just being honest. I really do feel bad for her daughter and her family because no one wants to lose someone that way... but the media, oh, don't get me started on the media. Where were all these media lovers when she was trying to make a comeback 5 years ago... NO WHERE. Not one person even spoke her name 5 years ago except to talk about how much of a wreck she was, and now, she is the worlds greatest gift to singing. Anyone else see anything completely wrong with that? *end rant*

~Today I am off work and I can't find any motivation (so far) to get started on this wreck of a house. I've got laundry to fold and put away, dishes to do, floors to clean, mail to sort through, grocery shopping, and nursery planning to get to today. Lord, help me.

~Speaking of nursery planning, I can't seem to make up my mind. I don't like theme nurseries and I hate the matchy matchy bedding, mobile, carpet, pictures thing (if you do, then that's totally fine. It's not for me and the overall "feel" of my decorating).  It is really hard to piece a nursery together and make it work. Plus, have you looked at baby bedding that isn't themed? It's expensive!! I need a good seamstress that will do it on the cheap!

~Ummm, that's all I've got for now. I feel like there was more I wanted to say but I got side-tracked mid post by the Today Show and I seems to have forgotten all other ideas. See bullet #2 for explanation.