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Hi! I'm Kim- a wife, momma, daughter, sister, friend. I love UK, going out for a good glass of wine, cooking, spending too much time on pinterest, and making new memories. I love my life and you're welcome to read about it!
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

23 Weeks

Can  you believe I have only 4 more weeks until I am in my third and final trimester!? Gaw, I can't. At first it seemed this pregnancy was dragggging by and now that it is on the down swing it's like it can't slow down fast enough for me to get things done that I need to do. Make that HAVE to do. Like find a pediatrician, actually get some sort of a nursery together, register (although not at Target... after my wedding registry fiasco from there I will never recommend them to anyone for a registry. Shop there, yes. Register, forget-a-bout-it!)

Here are some facts this week:

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain:  about 10 pounds (maybe a bit more)
Maternity clothes? Definitely as far as pants but I am still getting away with wearing some regular shirts.
Stretch marks? No and I'm glad!
Sleep: It's been pretty good so I can't complain. Although there is so much pressure on my hips when I lay on my side, I wake up a couple times a night to switch.
Best moment this week: Went to the Dr. on Monday and got to hear sweet baby's heartbeat... it is a beautiful swish swish swish :)
Miss Anything? Yes, diary and dessert. I literally drool at the though of chocolate cake or pie right now.
Movement: Ladies and Gentleman, we have a mover! This little guy moves all.the.time! He is constantly punching or kicking me but I love every single one of them. I actually get kind of sad when he rests for a bit :)
Food cravings: Not really anything
Anything making you queasy or sick: Any type of dairy. It's not that I don't want to drink it, it's just that I can't! Boo
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Acid Reflux like whoa
Belly Button in or out? in but stretching
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Sooo incredibly happy!!!
Looking forward to: Getting the crib in this week and finally starting to put the nursery together! Look for some pictures soon!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Brain Dump Monday

~Only 127 days until our due date! I can't wait to meet our sweet baby boy :) We scheduled our 3/d 4/d ultrasound for March and I am so excited. They say that between 24 and 29 weeks are best time to see what your baby looks like and I'll be right around 27 weeks when we go!! I hope this little booger cooperates.

~Speaking of baby (which is really all I speak of these days, sorry) I have some serious pregnant brain going on right now. You know, in like I can't remember a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g for more than 10 minutes. I'm like 10 minute Kim (if you've seen 50 first dates you get my drift). I ask the same question over and over because I don't remember the answer, I pout at my husband for waking up and not giving me a good morning kiss when he JUST did about 5 minutes before, and I forget to call/text people back. I feel like even though I've dyed my hair dark, my blonde is still coming through.

~OK, I'm gonna say it, but if I hear one more thing about Whitney Houston I am going to scream. People act like they are grieving the Whitney from the 90's... reality check people, that Whitney was gone long before this accident. That may sound cruel and heartless but I am just being honest. I really do feel bad for her daughter and her family because no one wants to lose someone that way... but the media, oh, don't get me started on the media. Where were all these media lovers when she was trying to make a comeback 5 years ago... NO WHERE. Not one person even spoke her name 5 years ago except to talk about how much of a wreck she was, and now, she is the worlds greatest gift to singing. Anyone else see anything completely wrong with that? *end rant*

~Today I am off work and I can't find any motivation (so far) to get started on this wreck of a house. I've got laundry to fold and put away, dishes to do, floors to clean, mail to sort through, grocery shopping, and nursery planning to get to today. Lord, help me.

~Speaking of nursery planning, I can't seem to make up my mind. I don't like theme nurseries and I hate the matchy matchy bedding, mobile, carpet, pictures thing (if you do, then that's totally fine. It's not for me and the overall "feel" of my decorating).  It is really hard to piece a nursery together and make it work. Plus, have you looked at baby bedding that isn't themed? It's expensive!! I need a good seamstress that will do it on the cheap!

~Ummm, that's all I've got for now. I feel like there was more I wanted to say but I got side-tracked mid post by the Today Show and I seems to have forgotten all other ideas. See bullet #2 for explanation.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Chocolate Covered Strawberries Anyone?

This post is kind of about our valentines date this year and kind of about how I am a complete idiot. You'll enjoy it I'm sure.
This year Nick made our Valentines plans and didn't tell me where or what we were doing... he's good like that. I had my suspicions that we were eating (we BETTER have been eating. This preggo momma is hungry) and then something else afterward (movie perhaps?)
All in all I was right. He took me to this great restaurant in Louisville called Limestone and then to see the movie The Vow. It was a wonderful night out and it seems as though those have been few and far between since getting pregnant and being sick all. the. time.

We exchanged presents; he got me flowers, and the new Twilight movie and I got him a new case for this fancy schmancy new Macbook Pro I am typing on. I'm in love with this thing... and my husband too for that matter.
I had this thought that since we celebrated Valentines on Saturday that I would make him something special the day of Valentines Day... Chocolate Covered Strawberries!! YUM. Want to see how they turned out? Oh you are gonna love it.....

Yep, my lazy bum didn't even get around to doing it. So what do I get but rotten strawberries and a bag of chocolate chips that I can't even eat. It's kind of funny really how far I've fallen from this time last year... it kind of made me laugh. You see, this time last year Nick might as well have been eating strawberries covered in gold. Yep, the boy might have had the most expensive strawberries I will EVER buy again.
This is where my bone-headedness comes in.

So last year I went to the mall on the day we were celebrating Valentines day. I had high hopes to get a million things accomplished... pick out a present, stop by VS, pick out an outfit for dinner, and finally stop by the store and get stuff to make him some chocolate covered strawberries. It was a good plan. An ambitious plan, no doubt and I saw after a while that it just wasn't going to happen. I had to make an adjustment and much to my luck (uhhh) there in the mall was a Godiva! Score. I bustled my butt on in there, stood in the super long line and when it was my turn I ordered up a dozen chocolate covered strawberries. 
Now let me be clear, they looked delicious but I should have known something was up when I couldn't find a price on their menu board. HELLO, KIM! RED FLAG! But how much can strawberries cost, right? *chuckle chuckle*
So here the sweet girl boxes up the strawberries, ties a pretty bow around the box and rings me up... I then proceed to choke on my tongue. $100 freakin dollars for strawberries... I panicked. I mean, how can I say never mind when the people in line are staring at me, waiting, and they are already boxed and pretty. I couldn't. I handed over the debit card and proceeded to carry my gold covered strawberries through the mall while my jaw was dragging the floor. 
So basically, I can say I am 0 for 2 on the strawberry front. Last year was a fiasco but at least we had them and this year, well it was the thought that counted?
Maybe next year I'll get it right. Here is to 2013! 

Thursday, February 2, 2012



Yesterday, Nick and I went for our ultrasound at 19 weeks. I was convinced we were having a girl... in like, I had already picked out outfits to buy, names, nursery colors, the works. I had visions of headbands and knitted leg warmers and blonde curls. Boy, (oh, boy) was I wrong!
When we got there, the ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to find out the gender and we of course said YES! I told her I was positive it was a girl and even told her the name we had picked out.
She started by examining the organs and measuring the brain and heart... she was really zoomed in with the camera so it was kind of hard to tell what everything was without listening to her. Out of nowhere she just announced "There's the penis!" UMMM EXCUSE ME? I started laughing and crying and I may have even asked if she was sure. Yep, she was sure!
Nick is beyond excited and so am I. I really have always wanted a boy first (since I have an older brother) but I just had it in my head that it was a girl. After the appointment I wanted to go buy some cute clothes... something finally for the baby since we hadn't bought anything up until this point.
Trying to find cute baby boy clothes is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. If anyone has any recommendations on where to buy cute boy clothes, please feel free to let me know!

So it is back to the drawing board with nursery ideas. I can't wait to start on his room and I can't wait for him to get here! Only 145 more days!