Anyway, this year homearama was in Norton Commons and if you haven't heard of it (like if ya don't live here) you should maybe google it. Just sayin' because its a pretty neat community. They have all you need right there in their subdivision: doctors, restaurants, fire stations, you name it, they can walk to it. You feel like you are on a movie set with this quaint town square and picturesque houses. Straight out of Pleasantville.... not kidding. Which is probably why I love it so.
So here is the picture unload from the day. I only was patient enough to snap photos of the first 10 houses or so... sorry :)
This children's room was decorated by my friend Meagan. She is super talented and I LOVED this room.
I loved that the front door of this house actually opened to the side porch! Verrryyy sneaky!
This was my favorite house on the inside... You'll see why in the next couple of pictures.
Yeah, so a bunch of random pictures of a bunch of houses. I wish I had gotten more pictures of the outsides to match with the insides but oh well... maybe one day I'll get good at this photography thing!
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