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Hi! I'm Kim- a wife, momma, daughter, sister, friend. I love UK, going out for a good glass of wine, cooking, spending too much time on pinterest, and making new memories. I love my life and you're welcome to read about it!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Charleston, SC

At the beginning of August, Nick and I went on a little vacation to celebrate our 1 year anniversary and my birthday. It was much needed and I was so excited to blog about it when we got back. But guess what? Life happened and here it is a month later and I am just now getting around to it. No bueno. But I am making it up to you (and myself) and doing it now.

If you have never been to Charleston, you might want to take your palm and smack it to your forehead. Seriously. The city is to die for. I have been there before and I fell in love with it and so I was itching to get back there. My hubs had never been so I felt it was my wifely duty to prevent that whole smack to the forehead phenomenon.He is now safe thank.you.very.much.

We stayed at a place right in the heart of downtown Charleston called Market Pavilion and I wouldn't have had it any other way. The hotel was fabulous and we had great views of the streets below. The rooftop had a view of the ocean, a cascading pool, and a bar with the best food. We usually spent our nights up there with a few cocktails before heading out to walk around.

And walk around we did. Lots of it actually. That coupled with the fact that it was 100 degrees outside might have made me loose about 10 pounds (yeah right I wish). Mainly we checked out the houses, side gardens, little shops and boutiques, and we even went on a ghost tour. We did spend one day on the Isle of Palms and it was probably one of the only times I sucked it up and got in the ocean. I am pleased to report that I did not get eaten by a shark or some other crazy ocean creature (duh or else who would be typing this).

 See the pink house in the middle? It was for sale. I made my husband promise he would buy it for me. Wonder if he'll pull through on that one? I won't hold my breath :)
 Well, hello gorgeous.
 So, out of all the beautiful houses and gardens we saw while we were walking around, Nick found this beauty to be completely smitten with. So much so that this was his only request in the picture department. Men.
 View from our hotel overlooking the Charleston Market.
 Dinner for my birthday! Why absolutely! And I got my own personalized card and a dessert! Score.

 See that orb in the bottom right corner. The man said it was probably a ghost orb or something. My guess? Probably a speck of dirt on my camera lens.It showed up in every single picture I took.
On the way home we stopped by Biltmore in Ashville, NC. It is pretty expensive to tour but I will say that it was t-totally worth it. That place it ginormous and it took us probably 3 hours to go through the house alone. Not to mention you could spend another 3 to 4 just touring the gardens and then another 3 to 4 at the winery. It amazes me that the house was built in 1900 for around 10 million dollars. That is an INSANE amount of money for the time period and as I was walking through the house I couldn't help but think about what it would have been like to live in it back then; to go to balls in that house back then. I instantly thought of the movie Pride and Prejudice and it made me want a time machine. Someone needs to get on that asap.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Reading

Guess what my husband got me for my birthday this year? No guesses? Well then I'll show you.... its beautiful. Don't be too jealous....

Honestly, I didn't know if I would like it. I'm a book lover, a page turner, and re-reader until the spine is worn and the corners are turned down. I love to love on books and it makes me happy when a book looks worn out because that means that the story inside is good... good enough to reopen it again.
My husband, the true technology nerd, couldn't wait to give me this present. Secretly he wanted it just as much, I think. The first book we downloaded was the Bible. My husband now thinks he is cool stuff carrying into church.
It took me a while to get up the nerve to download a book on it. Which would I choose? Would I like it? It is linked directly to my debit card, ya know. All of the sudden I had buyer anxiety and then I was all like "What in the world? I have no problem running to the book store and shelling out $15 to $20 on a book I still might not like then either!" Good point, Kim (I told myself). So I did it. I bought my first book on my nook (which by the way I snagged a super cute pink cover for. Hubs always takes it off before walking into church. Guess he wants more cool points with the fellas).

My first book was...

Loved it so much I couldn't put it down. Do you have a nook? Anyone have any good reading suggestions for my next download?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Last weekend my hubs, my momma, and I went to the Homearama here in Louisville. We usually go every year because I personally love the idea of being nosey and walking around peoples fabulous houses while they are all decorated. Oh, and there is also the wishful thinking part. I may have almost talked my husband into buying me one of these houses.... in about 30 years. I won't hold my breath.

Anyway, this year homearama was in Norton Commons and if you haven't heard of it (like if ya don't live here) you should maybe google it. Just sayin' because its a pretty neat community. They have all you need right there in their subdivision: doctors, restaurants, fire stations, you name it, they can walk to it. You feel like you are on a movie set with this quaint town square and picturesque houses. Straight out of Pleasantville.... not kidding. Which is probably why I love it so.

So here is the picture unload from the day. I only was patient enough to snap photos of the first 10 houses or so... sorry :)

  This children's room was decorated by my friend Meagan. She is super talented and I LOVED this room.

 I loved that the front door of this house actually opened to the side porch! Verrryyy sneaky! 

 This was my favorite house on the inside... You'll see why in the next couple of pictures.

Yeah, so a bunch of random pictures of a bunch of houses. I wish I had gotten more pictures of the outsides to match with the insides but oh well... maybe one day I'll get good at this photography thing!