About Me

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Hi! I'm Kim- a wife, momma, daughter, sister, friend. I love UK, going out for a good glass of wine, cooking, spending too much time on pinterest, and making new memories. I love my life and you're welcome to read about it!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Remember a couple of weeks ago when I asked for you to send up some prayers? Obviously you all have a straight connection because they worked! I was offered a new position at work and I accepted! I really wasn't allowed to share the news until now and I have been bursting to blog about it. I am really excited about this new opportunity. For the record, I am staying with my same company but just switching departments and job titles. I will be working in the training department where I will be the new training administrative assistant. This job fit right in with my teaching background and I am excited to get in there and get to work. But this also means... NO MORE WORKING ON SATURDAYS! Which to me is just about the greatest thing ever!!
So thank you to all those who crossed their fingers and said a prayer! It's time to celebrate!



Congratulations to my wonderful wife! You deserved this opportunity and I know you will do great. Love you!